Helping job seekers stand out, and get

Tired of applying for hundreds of jobs and never hearing back?

It’s time to get clear on what you need to do so you can show up as the Real You, eliminate the competition and get interviews in your sleep with personal branding.

‘Get Hired’ 1-1 Coaching

is a comprehensive program designed to guide you through every step of your job search. From identifying your unique professional brand to mastering storytelling and showcasing your skills, this program offers practical tutorials, actionable challenges, and personalized feedback. You'll enhance your resume, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and ace interviews, gaining the confidence to stand out in the competitive job market. With our focused coaching, you'll transform your career prospects and land the job you've been dream of.


In 2019, I knew I wanted to find more fulfillment and make a bigger impact in the lives of others. I started by helping non-tech job seekers transition into tech roles and I ended up helping hundreds of people land new jobs. Today, I'm dedicated to helping mid-career professionals of all different backgrounds transition into careers they love, whether that's a full-time role or starting their own business.

How to
work with me

1-on-1 Coaching

Resume/LinkedIn Revamp