Iā€™m Stephanie Cully.

My journey has been quite an adventure. It all started when I entered business school, driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and a fascination with technology. Back then, I knew I wanted to make a mark on the world, but I wasn't entirely sure how to do it.

While studying, I balanced my academic pursuits with a love for tennis and even took on an internship providing tech support. As time passed, I found myself switching jobs every few years, searching for that elusive passion that would truly ignite my career.

It wasn't until 2019 that I took a leap of faith and founded my first business. Coincidentally, it was right before the pandemic struck, which, I must admit, was a pretty nerve-wracking time to start a venture. I was considering giving up before I even officially launched. However, one day, an official government document arrived in my mailbox, reminding me that I needed to register my business with the IRS. That's when reality hit me square in the face, and I knew there was no turning back.

For nearly a year, I embarked on a rollercoaster journey, trying to figure out the ins and outs of running a business while juggling a full-time job and managing a family with my husband. It was a tough period, filled with trial and error, but it was also a valuable learning experience.

It wasn't until I decided to seek guidance from a business coach that things started to fall into place. With her support, I gained clarity about my purpose and discovered the unique value I could offer to people.

Over the next three years, I had the privilege of assisting over 100 individuals in their career transitions, helping them find new opportunities that ignited their passion. Today, I'm expanding my horizons even further, with a mission to assist individuals from diverse backgrounds and aspiring entrepreneurs.

If you're on the lookout for a dedicated mentor who can assist you in transitioning to a new career path or launching your entrepreneurial venture, don't hesitate to get in touch. I'm looking forward to chatting with you and being a part of your journey!